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Marshmallow Mayhem

Solo Project | Created in 24 Hours
Unity | C#

  • Revolves around a singular mechanic - using WASD keys to run around a campfire scaring marshmallows away

  • Improved my skills of designing and implementing creative ideas under a strict time pressure and limited creative freedom

Promo GIF of Marshmallow Mayhem

'Marshmallow Mayhem' was a game I created for the "Campfire" themed GDQ One Mechanic Game Jam 6 in 2019. I completed and submitted the game in roughly 24 hours.


In this jam, we had to create a game that revolved around a single mechanic - my mechanic was being able to control the player to run around the campfire using the WASD keys. The player has to run up to marshmallows bouncing towards the fire to scare them away, and the intensity of marshmallows increases over time.

This was my first solo game jam submission, and I am very proud of what I managed to create by myself.

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